Season One Intermission

Wondering where the show has been? In this brief episode, I update you on my whereabouts, promise a triumphant return next week, and share my own Hot and Wholesome Gossip Corner shoutouts.

Music: Harlequin by Kevin MacLeod



Show Notes:

Charlie N. Holmberg

Star Mother preorder campaign and Goodreads page

Smoke and Summons, book one in the Numina trilogy

Mythcreants Podcast (be sure to check out Episodes 312, 313, and 314):


Ariel: Hi there and welcome to Edit Your Darlings, a podcast that tries to take the sting out of editing by talking with darling authors about their experiences.  I was on a brief intermission because I was pulled away from my desk to serve jury duty. I’m excited to get back to our regularly scheduled episodes next week. I have some fun interviews coming up. I have a science fiction writer. I have a widely published literary writer. And a blast from my own past, possibly the most supportive professor on the planet, coming to talk with me. And more wholesome favorites.

In the meantime, I just want to leave you with a little bit of Hot and Wholesome Gossip because that is my favorite part of the program. I want to thank some people who sent me messages out of nowhere. I got fan mail! And I cried a little bit, I’m not gonna lie. I got some supportive messages from authors, and one of my best friends, and other members of the Northwest Editors Guild, and it made me feel so heard. That was so sweet!

I want to lift up: One of my favorite authors has just announced a preorder campaign and Goodreads page for her upcoming work, Star Mother. Check out Charlie N. Holmberg. She is oh so good. I loved her Smoke and Summons trilogy, and I can’t wait to read her next book.

Also, the Mythcreants podcast has been kind enough to have me on as a guest for three episodes, that’s episodes 312, 313, and 314. We talk about bias-free language, cutting the clutter out of your sentences, and what is the difference between a line edit and a copy edit? Who knows? Be sure to tune in.